What is MintDesk?? MintDesk is the (development, Beta release) MiNT version of TeraDesk. What is TeraDesk?? You don't know??? Where have you been??? TeraDesk is the greatest replacement desktop for the Atari ST(e)/TT/Falcon range of computers!! What do you need?? An Atari computer (or perhaps a gemulator), MiNT (tested only with MiNT 1.10, with the addroottimeout patch) and to make things look good a Minix file system (tested with version 0.60 PL 10) or something else which supports long filenames with lotsa dots and stuff..... (ramfs.xfs) What is MiNT?? The 'new' mulitasking kernel of the Atari operating system. If you do not use MiNT, MintDesk will not be of any use to you (read: it will not work). How does it work?? It functions in the same way as TeraDesk (V1.40 or there about). I refer to the documentation supplied with TeraDesk for an in deapth anser to this question.... READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES!!!! - Read the readme file!!! DISCLAIMER This is a development version, it may work it may not. It may destroy your harddisk or to keep things short USE MiNTDesk AT YOUR OWN RISK. The programmer Wout Klaren and I Ric Klaren wave any responsibility for damages forthcoming out of the (mis)use of this software product (MiNTDesk) e.g. you if you use it all responsibilty for damages forthcoming out of the use of MintDesk is for you (you were warned!!!). Bugs: - during copies/moves executable flags etc. are not copied a long. - links give problems during copies. - ...... SEND BUGREPORTS, USERREQUESTS ETC. TO (preferably by email): Ric Klaren Schiestraat 74 7523 TH Enschede The Netherlands email: klarenj@cs.utwente.nl Include information about, where and how, how to reproduce (if possible) the error, programs running, tos version, mint version (PureC or gcc or ..), device drivers + versions, filesystem drivers + versions, etc. DO NOT SEND ANYTHING (except money ;-)) TO Wout Klaren the programmer of TeraDesk, he is not actively supporting this product! If you have remarks, bugreports etc. send them to the above addres. SUPPORT New versions will be spread by the support BBS's `, Internet and other channels. Do **NOT** ask me nor my brother to send you the latest version of MintDesk by (snail) mail, you won't get it (a bit harsh I admit but I don't intent to start a mail order company....:)). New versions will be released as soon as they become ready. In case I did not make it 100% clear already: Wout Klaren is ****NOT**** supporting this product!!! DO ****NOT**** bother him with it!!!! send all to the above addres....